Next Generation Legal Solutions

Going on 17 years, LegalZoom has owned the DIY online legal documents and services category. But legal documents and DIY legal services are becoming commoditized. Challenge LegalZoom is evolving their offering from that of one-time transactions to ongoing partnerships with customers and asked Interactivism to... View project

Maximizing SEO performance

LegalZoom is the nation's leading provider of personalized, online legal solutions and legal documents for small businesses and families. Interactivism redesigned the templates used in their SEO pages, with a special emphasis on bringing the pages into alignment with the company's new style guide, while... View project

Modern matchmaking

Level by April Beyer is a new and exclusive matchmaking service that marries traditional matchmaking with today's technology. April Beyer is founder and CEO of Beyer & Company and is the most respected matchmaker in the market. Interactivism worked with April Beyer and her team... View project

Disrupting disability insurance in professional sports

Scoutables is revolutionizing the way professional sports organizations manage financial risk around their most valuable assets: their athletes. Interactivism designed and helped develop a demo app that showcases Scoutables’ analytics capabilities by offering daily machine-generated scouting reports and graphical data-driven insights about every player in... View project

Branding augmented reality

Meta’s mission is to build natural machines that seamlessly unite the real world with the virtual world – see, create, and interact with virtual objects and apps inserted in the real world around you. Interactivism designed a new brand & identity system to better align the... View project

Taking OpenStack to the next level

Metacloud is a premium OpenStack offering - an on-premise private cloud solution that is delivered with a SaaS like service model. Interactivism has worked with Metacloud, since 2013 across all customer facing aspects of their product experience - incl. company website (retired after Cisco acquisition),... View project

Social image organization with an edge

LoveIt is a Pinterest style service with power tools for discovery, organization of, and collaboration around, anything visually inspiring online, designed with monetization of visual bookmarking in mind. Interactivism designed and directed Branding, Product, UX and Visual Design of the web site and the iOS... View project

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